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What are the Benefits of Green Tea? What are some Recommendations?

Dive into the world of Green tea as we explore the different types of Chinese and Japanese Green teas, their benefits, and potential drawbacks. A guide that give answers to "When is the best time to drink Green tea?" and "Which Green tea should I buy?"

What makes Green Tea different than Black Tea, & Oolong Tea?

Green tea, Black tea, Oolong tea, Pu'Er tea... There are countless tea available in the market. Apart from their names and colours, what sets these teas apart?

1. What is Green Tea? How do we tell the difference from other types of tea?

Before understanding the differences between various teas, let's first delve into the tea-making process! After freshly plucked tea leaves are harvested, they undergo different processing methods, resulting in variations in the degree of fermentation. This gives rise to different types of tea.


In other words, even tea leaves from the same tea tree can be processed into different types of tea, such as Green tea, Black tea, or Oolong tea, based on different processing techniques. However, each tea tree variety is typically best suited for a particular type of tea. For example, Chinese tea trees are often used to produce Green tea or Oolong tea, while Indian Assam tea trees are used for Black tea production.


After harvesting, Green tea leaves are immediately subjected to high-temperature heat treatment to halt oxidation. The enzymes responsible for fermentation are destroyed, resulting in the lowest level of fermentation among all tea types. This process helps retain catechins, the main component of green tea, along with other polyphenols. Green tea also contains lower levels of caffeine compared to Black tea, Oolong tea, and others.

2. What does Green tea contains?

Green tea is rich in various components, including polyphenols, organic acids, amino acids, and vitamins. Polyphenols are a group of polymeric compounds found in tea leaves, with the most well-known being catechins. Among all tea types, Green tea has the highest concentration of polyphenols. For instance, an average 100ml of Green tea contains approximately 126.6mg of catechins. Therefore, if you want to consume catechins, Green tea is undoubtedly your best choice!

Understanding the different categories of Green Tea

1. Chinese vs Japanese Green Tea: Difference of Tea Processing Technique

When it comes to Green tea, understanding the categorization of Green tea involves examining the tea's processing methods. Generally, the production of Green tea involves Four Steps: Plucking, Fixation, Shaping, and Drying. Fixation (or Kill-Green), means halting the oxidation process in the tea leaves. This is achieved through pan-firing or steaming, depending on the regional traditions.


Chinese Green tea is mostly pan-fried, where direct heating is used to destroy the enzymes in the tea leaves. This method results in a more robust and intense aroma, making the tea more resistant to brewing. On the other hand, Japanese Green tea is primarily steamed, allowing the flavours to slowly release and preserving a higher concentration of catechins. The leaves appear green, and the taste is refreshing and mellow.


Apart from stir-fixation and steam-fixation methods, you may also come across hot-air fixation and sun fixation. The difference lies in the drying process. After the steps of Fixation, and Shaping, the final step is drying, which can be done through hot-air fixation, sun fixation, or stir fixation. Each drying method imparts a distinct flavour profile to the tea leaves.


2. Chinese Green Tea vs Japanese Green Tea

After understanding the process of Green tea production, let's now introduce two common types of Chinese Green tea and Japanese Green tea:


1. Chinese Green Tea

Dragon Well: also known as Longjing, is one of the top ten famous teas in China. Its most famous production area is West Lake. It has a bright emerald green color and offers a refreshing and elegant taste, making it a traditional favorite among tea lovers.


Biluochun: Biluochun' tea leaves are jade green and curled like spirals. It has a delightful taste and carries a delicate aroma.


2. Japanese Green Tea

Sencha: Sencha comes in two varieties, "asamushi" (light-steamed) and "fukamushi" (deep-steamed). It is a popular type of Japanese Green tea with a simple and natural flavour, allowing you to experience the pure essence of tea leaves.


Hojicha: Hojicha is made by roasting the tea leaves at high temperatures, resulting in a coffee-colored infusion with a mellow and sweet taste. The caffeine content is also reduced after high-temperature roasting, making it suitable for consumption by the elderly and children.


Genmaicha: Genmaicha is a blend of Sencha and roasted brown rice. When brewed, it not only carries the aroma of Green tea but also releases a pleasant fragrance of grains.

(三)6 大日式綠茶種類介紹

除了中式綠茶,我們也有提供以下 6 種日式綠茶:


🍵 煎茶:煎茶有分「淺蒸」和「深蒸」2 種,其出口值佔日本全國生產量的 70% 以上,其中「淺蒸」是相當經典的一款日式綠茶,主要產地來自於日本靜岡茶園,採收期一年一次,錯過就只能再等下一年了。淺蒸煎茶在蒸青半分鐘後,隨即進入揉捻、烘乾的環節,因此其味道樸實自然,口感圓潤,能喝到最純粹的茶葉清香。

🍵 焙茶:焙茶經過高溫烘焙後,茶葉會變成咖啡色,隨著水分減少,味道也會變得更柔和、甘甜。沒有了茶的苦味,加上高溫烘焙後咖啡因含量降低,很適合老人小孩、易失眠、腸胃不適的族群飲用,可以幫助放鬆心情、緩解緊張情緒。

🍵 玄米綠茶:玄米茶是煎茶混合烘烤過的糙米,沖泡後除了綠茶的茶香外,還會散發出陣陣穀物香氣,為煎茶增添了濃郁且柔和的口感。玄米綠茶的咖啡因含量不僅較低,玄米也可以幫助溫暖腸胃,是一款平易近人的茶款。

🍵 莖茶:莖茶顧名思義是一款由茶葉的莖部所製成的日本綠茶。高品質的日本綠茶莖部,帶有鮮味、後段則帶青澀香氣。由於莖部較葉面少曝曬陽光,其光合作用後的「單寧」成分也較少,因此沖泡後的莖茶口感澀味較淡、味道甘甜清爽,十分容易入口。

🍵 玄米抹茶:玄米抹茶是以烘焙過的玄米綠茶加入高級抹茶粉,風味相較玄米茶更清新爽口。第一泡會有抹茶的香氣,沖至第 2 泡時,玄米的香氣就會慢慢出現,同時享受到濃醇米香與煎茶清新的韻味,是一款十分雅緻細膩、口感層次豐富的茶品。


🍵 櫻花煎茶:選用來自日本靜岡的茶葉,並在製作過程中加入櫻花,使得沖泡後的茶湯,喝起來風味層次豐富。綠茶的甘甜,加上櫻花香氣撲鼻,彷彿置身於花海之中,令人感到心曠神怡。

The Benefits of Green Tea! Learn Green Tea in just Seconds

Antioxidation is one of the polyphenol effects of green tea, and thus the antioxidant benefits of green tea are widely known. There are various claims about the effects of green tea: "drinking green tea prevents cancer", "drinking green tea lowers blood sugar", "green tea lowers blood pressure", "green tea lowers cholesterol", "drinking green tea reduces inflammation", "green tea has great beautifying effects", and even "drinking green tea can effectively improve dementia", "regularly drinking green tea can prevent strokes", "drinking green tea makes osteoporosis worse", "green tea effects can improve skin".


With so many claims online, it often leaves people feeling confused. So what exactly are the effects of green tea? Here are some common benefits of green tea:

🍵 Green Tea Benefit 1: Maintain Immune System Function

The catechins in green tea are a type of polyphenol. According to a report from the U.S. National Library of Medicine, the polyphenols in tea leaves have antioxidant properties and function to maintain good immune function in the body.

🍵 Green Tea Benefit 2: Refreshing and Hydrating

Polyphenols are the source of the bitter and astringent taste in tea, but it is also because of this property that tea tastes fresh and sweet when drunk, achieving a thirst-quenching effect.

🍵 Green Tea Benefit 3: Aids Metabolism

Drinking green tea can help with metabolism, which is why many green tea products are named "fat-burning green tea" - it's not without reason! According to a clinical experiment published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the polyphenol EGCG in green tea extracts has heat-producing and fat oxidation-promoting properties that can boost metabolism.

🍵 Green Tea Benefit 4: Maintains Fresh Breath

A report from the U.S. National Library of Medicine points out that the catechin (EGCG) in green tea helps inhibit the adhesion and growth of the bad-breath bacteria S. moorei, keeping breath fresh. While the polyphenol effects of green tea can have a positive impact on health to a certain extent, drinking tea is not the best way to treat diseases. If you experience any physical conditions, it is still recommended to have a professional doctor diagnose and treat you!

Green Tea: Lesser-known Factors to Keep in Mind

Does Green Tea contain a lot of caffeine?

Are you concerned about the caffeine content in your tea? While caffeine can provide a refreshing boost, it may also affect sleep patterns and lead to symptoms like palpitations and anxiety.


But fear not! Green tea is here to save the day. With its lower caffeine content compared to other teas, Green tea is an excellent choice for those seeking a pick-me-up without the negative side effects.


By brewing it using the cold infusion method, you can further reduce the caffeine content. However, it's still important to adjust your consumption based on personal preferences and circumstances.

Who should be mindful when drinking Green Tea?

Even though Green tea offers numerous benefits, certain groups should exercise caution when consuming it.


1. Osteoporosis Patients: Green tea contains caffeine, which is one of the risk factors for osteoporosis. Caffeine has a mild diuretic effect, increasing the excretion of calcium in urine.


2. Iron-Deficiency Anemia Patients: The tannins in Green tea can bind to iron. Prolonged consumption of large amounts of Green tea by individuals with iron-deficiency anemia may worsen their condition.


3. Women during Menstruation: Women lose a significant amount of iron during menstruation. As Green tea contains tannins, excessive consumption can interfere with iron absorption. It is advisable to avoid excessive intake and ensure an adequate intake of iron-rich foods.


Regardless of the type of tea, moderation is key. It is recommended that adults limit their Green tea consumption to 5 to 6 cups per day (based on caffeine intake).


By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the benefits of Green tea without worrying about any potential harm to your body. So go ahead, sip your Green tea and embrace a healthier lifestyle!

When is the Best Time to Drink Green Tea? Discover the Optimal Moments for Tea Enjoyment!

In addition to moderate consumption, the timing of Green tea consumption is crucial! Let's delve into the best times to drink Green tea, allowing you to savor the tea while also prioritizing your health!

Can I drink Green Tea on an Empty Stomach? Can Green Tea aid in Weight Loss at Night?

Due to the presence of tannic acid in tea, drinking Green tea on an empty stomach can stimulate excessive stomach acid production, potentially irritating the digestive system. If you wish to have Green tea in the morning, it is recommended to wait for one hour after breakfast to enjoy it, as this can also provide a refreshing and invigorating effect. Additionally, having a cup of Green tea in the afternoon can alleviate the drowsiness often experienced during that time, effectively boosting productivity!


But can you drink Green tea at night? Absolutely! As long as you choose the right brewing method and tea variety, Green tea can be enjoyed in the evening too! In terms of brewing, cold-brewed tea contains approximately 20% less caffeine compared to hot-brewed tea. Moreover, the previously mentioned "Hojicha" is also suitable for evening consumption, as the high-temperature roasting significantly reduces the caffeine content, making it less likely to disrupt sleep.


There is a belief circulating online that "Drinking Green tea at night aids in weight loss." While the catechins in Green tea do contribute to a faster metabolism, there is currently no research to directly confirm the relationship between Green tea and weight loss. It is important to note that the key to weight loss lies in maintaining a balanced diet and regular exercise. However, during the weight loss process, replacing sugary beverages with unsweetened Green tea can still be beneficial!

Satisfy both Gifting and Personal Enjoyment: Popular Chinese Green Tea at Chinese Tea Gallery

1. Hong Kong Green Tea Recommendationg! The Best Choice for Tea Lovers

Looking to buy high-quality tea but unsure where to go? Look no further than Chinese Tea Gallery, a local gem in Hong Kong! As a branch of Fook Wah Tea House, which has been in business for over 60 years, if you've ever been to a tea house in Hong Kong, chances are you've already tasted our tea leaves.


Chinese Tea Gallery is dedicated to bridging the gap between tea and lifestyle. Whether you seek the healing power of good tea to soothe your mind and body, want to savor life's moments, or wish to give the gift of tea, carrying the most precious sentiments, you'll find the perfect tea recommendations at Chinese Tea Gallery.

Green Tea Recommendations at Chinese Tea Gallery

If you're a light drinker, and unsure which tea suits you best, or if you're eager to explore new flavors but afraid of not liking them, worry not! Chinese Tea Gallery has carefully selected four popular chinese Green tea highlighting their aroma and taste profiles. This ensures that everyone can find their favorite tea among our selection!

Dragon Well

Dragon Well, also known as "Longjing, it is one of China's most famous teas, as Dragon Well is harvested between March and April and shares a flat tea shape.


The tea is harvested before the Ching Ming Festival, and the best quality Dragon Well tea is grown in the West Lake region.


Dragon Well tea has a delicate aroma, a fresh and rounded taste, and a lingering vegetal finish.


It has several health benefits, including lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, and reducing heat in the body.

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint Tea, made with the base of Biluochun Green Tea and infused with refreshing peppermint leaves, adds a cool and invigorating touch to its delicate tea aroma.


It offers a refreshing taste that leaves a delightful sensation.


This special blend is a modification by our experts, and it is also perfect for cold brewing!

Jasmine Tea

Jasmine tea, a traditional Green tea frequently enjoyed in Dim Sum restaurants. This premium-grade Jasmine Tea offers a perfect balance of the rich freshness of Green tea and the delicate aroma of jasmine flowers. Its smooth, gentle taste is highly cherished among the people of Hong Kong.

Lemongrass Green Tea

Infused with the refreshing aroma of lemon and the flavour of lemongrass.


Its cool and refreshing taste transports you to a sunny tropical paradise, leaving you feeling energized and refreshed.

Green Tea - Frequently Asked Questions

Are Green Tea nutritious?

What are the common types of Green tea?

Is the common belief about the health benefits of Green Tea are true?

What are the potential drawbacks of Green tea

When is the best time to drink Green tea?